Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Yup! Trans 7

Hey everybody!
I want to tell you bout my visit to Trans7. I think you know this TV station la. Trans 7 is one of the national television broadcaster in Indonesia. This TV channel has a famous show named "empat mata" hosted by Tukul Arwana. Hmmm.... this was my first TV show visit. nah, disamping itu adalah gambar setting panggungnya empat mata. ya kaya yang bisa dilihat di TV si.
boleh dibilang acara ini separo "jayus" dan ga penting deh. the reality is, they force the audience to laugh out loud!!! even me, myself, feel the joke not funny. but, yeah, i know la. they should work like that. haha... but, one thing that amaze me much is their cooperation when work as a team. they r very solid.
acara empat mata ini dibagi menjadi 8 take. pada setiap take-nya ya tentu ada jeda yang biasanya di TV klo kita liat itu buat porsi iklan. nah bedanya klo live show macam ini kita g liat iklannya. nah gantinya si Tukul sendiri lah yang menghibur penontonnya secara off air. waktu itu dia ngajak penonton berbincang-bincang juga nyanyi. nah kira-kira gitulah proses pembuatan film-nya. oya, dalam acara tersebut penonton diberi tahu beberapa kode yang diberikan oleh crew empat mata. so, the audience will know when they should laugh, give applause, shout, or doin anything else. that crew (just 1) control the audience so the show can go smoothly. interesting huh? I dun know what will they do if there some uncontrolled audience. I want to know their action. hahaha.....