Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Baka Mono!

One thing that I regret most now is I didn’t study Japanese before I came to Japan land. Now, I meet with lots of troubles from day to day. My progress in Japanese is not so good. I can understand a little right now, but it really doesn’t help very much. When you can speak a little, people want you more. Yeah it always happen because this is a non-spoken English country. Of course they don’t want to speak in English. It’s difficult for them as it not their first language. Now, I just want to use my time to study this language more because I really look like a moron when deal with some Japanese. I really can’t understand what they said. In this holiday is my only chance to improve it. Because my friend, which is very international, go for vacation to Tokyo. So, I’ll meet with a lot of people who speak in Japanese not in English even it can makes me more frustrate sometime because of the language barrier that I had create on my own. Hufff….
